This Study Hub hosted the third FIRE-ADAPT gathering in June 2024, and counted on the collaboration of the Socioenvironmental Hub Sesc Pantanal. The activities of this Study Hub aimed to introduce participants to the advances that the country has achieved in the field of wildfires over the past 35 years, with a special focus on the implementation of policies related to Integrated Fire Management in the last 15 years.
The programme of activities included lectures and discussions with experts, as well as field visits to learn about two biomes (the Cerrado and Pantanal) and their relationships with fire. During these visits, participants had the opportunity to interact with technicians, brigade members and traditional communities.
More information:
- Article.
- Event recap, programme and involved actors, below (under construction).
programme 2024
Mariana Senra de Oliveira, Prevfogo/IBAMA
- Workshop “Methods to study the effects of fire on biodiversity” (work package 2).
- Hybrid and face-to-face sessions of work packages 1, 3 and 4.
- Talks about the federal structure of forest management in Brazil, and the effects of fire on Brazilian flora, fauna and indigenous communities.
- Visit to the Brasilia National Park.
Dissemination on social networks
- Twitter: posts of days 11, 13, 14 and 16.
- LinkedIn: posts of days 11, 13, 14 and 16.
- Facebook: posts of days 11, 13, 14 and 16.
- Instagram.
With the collaboration of

Luiz Gustavo Gonçalvez, ICMBio
Chapada dos Guimarães National Park
- Talks about the integrated fire management in the Park and the monitoring of fire through advanced technology and of biodiversity.
- Joint session of work packages 3 and 6 on changing the social perception of integrated fire management through multimedia resources.
- Prescribed burns.
Serra das Araras Ecological Station
- Talks about the integrated fire management at the Station and the Cerfogo research project.
- Test of field protocols to collect data on the carbon dynamics of areas treated through prescribed burns.
- Prescribed burn.
Dissemination in the media and social networks
- Artículo on the ICMBio website: FIRE-ADAPT promove encontro internacional para debater avanços na Gestão Integrada do Fogo no Brasil.
- Twitter: posts of days 20 and 24.
- LinkedIn: posts of days 20 and 24.
- Facebook: posts of days 20 and 24.
- Instagram.
With the collaboration of
Alexandre Enout, Private Natural Heritage Reserve Sesc Pantanal
- Talks about the integrated fire management and fire ecology in Pantanal.
- Workshop “Reflecting on positive fire futures for landscapes through visualisation and storytelling” (work package 3).
- Wrap-up sessions of all work packages.
Dissemination in the media and social networks
- Articles on:
- The IBAMA website: Ibama participa de projeto internacional que aborda a diversidade de incêndios nos mais variáveis contextos.
- The news platform Alochapada: Ibama participa de projeto internacional que aborda a diversidade de incêndios nos mais variáveis contextos.
- The IRD website: FIRE-ADAPT: réunion internationale pour discuter des progrès de la gestion intégrée des incendies au Brésil.
- The news platform Pocone online: FIRE-ADAPT promove encontro internacional para debater avanços na Gestão Integrada do Fogo no Brasil.
- Twitter.
- LinkedIn.
- Facebook.
- Instagram.
With the collaboration of